Living Life Out Loud...

Many of you probably already know that "LOL" typically stands for "laughing out loud" but here on my blog, it means "living out loud". For many adults being authentic no longer comes naturally. We must work at it. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood we have lost the ability to simply LIVE. After dealing with a lot of personal trials, including verbal/emotional abuse and being the caretaker for my father prior to his death, I have come through and not only survived, but am working on thriving. I have maintained a sense of humor & have been resilient. Here I will write about my life and what's going on in my mind. Hence is the life of a writing, child-at-heart, sage-like goddess who refuses to "grow up" if that means being inauthentic.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Getting Back to It

 It is has been QUITE a while since I have posted on this site! I'm a little embarrassed to say that, but sometimes, life has a way of getting in the way of the things we truly want to do. 

Since my last post, I've gotten my own apartment again. Got and paid off a new-to-me car. Changed employment status a couple times. Yet, the most significant thing is that I battled bladder cancer. I won't get into that too much on this site. If you want to read about or follow that journey, please follow my other blog, yoURostomy. However, in short, I was diagnosed in August 2016 after at least 2 years of attempting to get assistance. I underwent major surgery and now live as an ostomate (a person who has an ostomy). After I (mostly) healed from surgery, I went through a brutal chemotherapy course over 3 months.  

Obviously, a lot, if not most, of my time and energy over the last several years went into the healing process and dealing with everything involving that diagnosis. Finally, I am ready, willing and able to get back into the things most important to me. 

Recently, I left a set employer with set hours and benefits to pursue being a creative full time. Fortunately. I have been working with a contract for 2 months prior to my departure to be a community advocate, contributor and moderator on an international site, and I have been very active in that community. I am in the process of starting my own business to do content writing and social media management. I am f+ortunate to have an amazing support system and will start taking new contracts soon. 

This transition allows me to work with my post-treatment body and break up my day, move more, take care of myself and do things that I truly enjoy. I am available for immediate hire for content writing, social media management, event planning and consultations. This will allow me to work on things I love doing anyway and allow me to have time for the volunteer and advocacy work that I want to make room for in my life. 

I've made sacrifices to get to where I am now. Everyone must make sacrifices to get to where they want to go. Although this transition did not happen in the way I wanted or was planning for, I'm glad it happened and I feel so much better despite the unknowns. I am looking forward to the opportunities that lie ahead and the potential to make more happen in my personal life. 

I'm also really looking forward to connecting more through my blogs from now one. If there's a topic you'd like to read about, please let me know. 

Until next time, love from the heart of it all,


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