Living Life Out Loud...

Many of you probably already know that "LOL" typically stands for "laughing out loud" but here on my blog, it means "living out loud". For many adults being authentic no longer comes naturally. We must work at it. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood we have lost the ability to simply LIVE. After dealing with a lot of personal trials, including verbal/emotional abuse and being the caretaker for my father prior to his death, I have come through and not only survived, but am working on thriving. I have maintained a sense of humor & have been resilient. Here I will write about my life and what's going on in my mind. Hence is the life of a writing, child-at-heart, sage-like goddess who refuses to "grow up" if that means being inauthentic.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

S.D. governor Kristi Noem banned from CRST reservation

S.D. governor Kristi Noem banned from CRST reservation: S.D. governor Kristi Noem banned from CRST reservation

I'm proud to be a small West River Eagle team member. We serve the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe reservation in Eagle Butte, SD. We applaud them for standing up to the governor's appalling comments by banning her from reservation lands. I am honored to be able to cover such a critical story!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Nutrition to Combat Fatigue - CONQUER: the journey informed

Nutrition to Combat Fatigue - CONQUER: the journey informed: There’s no simple solution to treat fatigue; instead, improving your energy level may require a few different strategies—nutrition is one of them.