Living Life Out Loud...

Many of you probably already know that "LOL" typically stands for "laughing out loud" but here on my blog, it means "living out loud". For many adults being authentic no longer comes naturally. We must work at it. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood we have lost the ability to simply LIVE. After dealing with a lot of personal trials, including verbal/emotional abuse and being the caretaker for my father prior to his death, I have come through and not only survived, but am working on thriving. I have maintained a sense of humor & have been resilient. Here I will write about my life and what's going on in my mind. Hence is the life of a writing, child-at-heart, sage-like goddess who refuses to "grow up" if that means being inauthentic.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

On A Roll...

So yesterday, I didn't work all, but I had valid reasons. I went to bed Monday night utterly exhausted, so besides being ridiculously freezing on Tuesday morning, I desperately needed that extra hour/hour-&-a-half of sleep that I would have *not* gotten had I pried myself out of bed to walk 2.5 miles that morning *and* in the afternoon, I had secured a ever-so-needed ride to the east side of town to the Sprint store so that I could pick up my replacement phone. (Of course, as my luck would have it, I found out that as of that day-March 1st-I was actually eligible for an upgraded phone! *GO FIGURE!*) So instead of going and working out for several hours, I spent an hour's worth of riding in the car with my friend Linda (to & fro) in addition to about an hour actually *in* the store talking with the rep who assisted us with getting my phone all set up *and* him giving Linda lots of information regarding a family plan for her, as she's looking to switch providers.

So afterward...and after a long.........long day at work, Linda invited me to go to a local church where every Tuesday, they have *free* healthy meals for the community to partake in. So we met her husband, his father and her mom at the church and had a nice meal. I even got to pick up a free loaf of bread and some bagels--all for *free*.

All that being said, I *did* work out on Monday...a short work out, but still addition to the 2.5 miles I walked in the rain earlier that day (see my post from Monday!) so I got a decent amount in. Today, once again, I managed to arise early and walk 2.5miles in the cold. Then today, after work, I took a few extra minutes to "wusaaaaa"-out after another hectic day before I changed my clothes and headed downstairs to the Fitness Center...and *BLISS* I was the only one working out at that time! I put my headphones on and zoned out to the tune of 10 miles on the recumbent bike while changing the resistance between 1 and 3 at mile intervals, 3reps of 10 (at varying weights) on the weight machines that didn't have padded parts falling off (Tino, get on your job and fix it, right?!?!) and followed up with 1 mile on the elliptical machine on the "weight reduction" program. I was still feeling Monday's workout, so I know I'm going to be feeling this one too...but as long as it's not sheer-pain-shooting-through-my-body-and-up-my-spine-pain, I can deal with it!

My clothes are fitting differently, I'm drinking a lot more all the packing I've been doing in preparation for the big move...I've been busting my tail. I've worked out almost every day that I've gone to work since January 4th and despite missing some days here and there, I must admit that I am on a roll and I most definitely acknowledge myself for that! It's a good will be even better when the pounds start falling according to the scale in addition to the difference in how my clothes fit! ;)

Off to catch the bus home. Happy Wednesday everyone...weekend's only 2 days away! How will you make the most of it? 


jcq said...

Hallelujah! I hear you. Getting into the "mode" of busting calories is difficult but it is addictive. I should be more physical daily so I applaud you for your active living.

Doesn't it just make you feel sexy when you throw on your devoted fat jeans and find that they're too baggy in your leg areas? And you go... 'wait... if my leg area is becoming looser... that means that my ass is also shrinking!'
And, hot damn, is that ever a thing to dance to! What a wonderful tune. Nothing better than a nice butt with legs to go with it.
So good for you!
It isn't just physical healing, it's also soul healing so keep it up.

I found that the only physical regimen that I actually stuck with was a yoga routine in my living room. No one can see me and within 5 sessions I noticed a dramatic difference.

Just gotta find what works for yuh!


mirletaliz said...

Thanks! ;)

I totally agree with you! I was doing really good about 6 years ago before my Dad's health situation drastically changed, which changed my life and role as his caretaker even more. He passed about 2 years ago--lil' more than that--and it's taken me this long to get to a point where I can refocus on myself.

Yes, that is a good feeling, and I've had those exact same thoughts...even when my clothes are fitting differently in my belly! lol

For me, walking daily and adding other exercises is my key in addition to drinking lots of water and eating healthy. When I'm at work, it's great to have access to the Fitness Center since I work at a high school. I enjoy yoga, but not alone. My first experiences were with my best friend and then with the kids' "Yoga Club" that a teacher ran, so I like the camaraderie and laughter that went with that, so I prefer not to do that alone. Plus I notice that when I have someone correcting me when I'm not quite doing things right, I feel so much better than when I'm doing it "wrong". When I'm at home, I use some hand weights for arms, a balance ball for crunches and some other exercises and work out DVDs--my favorite series is the "Dance Off The Inches" stuff (fun & easy-to-pick-up steps!), along with keeping a binder with other exercises in that I can use as needed and when I can.

In fact, I'm off to the Fitness Center now! ;) ...